141 Days
left to fund this project

Your Cozzee coffee purchase now supports Blood:Water in their work to reach The Next Million. This means your purchase will help shorten the walk for people, mainly women and children, who spend a large portion of their day retrieving water for their families. Often, they fill their jerry cans full of life’s most basic need only to become very sick because the water source is not sanitary. This is the experience of so many, including Gertrude, a mother in Kaloko, Zambia, who walks 45 minutes one-way in over 90-degree heat to fill her 440-pound drum with water for her family. With your coffee purchases, we will be able to help shorten the walk to clean drinking water for twenty-five people in Kaloko, Zambia

Learn more about this project and take a more detailed look at what Gertrude’s water walk is like in the video below.


Blood:Water is a community motivated by the love of Christ to create lasting change in Africa. They give their lives to help local leaders and join them in the fight to end the HIV/AIDS and water crises. Since their launch in 2004, they’ve raised over $27 million toward these efforts. They believe that Africa holds the leadership, creativity, passion and resolve necessary to address the HIV/AIDS and water crises. They’ve spent the past ten years working alongside more than a dozen African organizations to bring clean water and HIV/AIDS support to 1 million people in 11 countries, and continue in this work each day.

For more information on Blood:Water, visit www.bloodwater.org.

We partner with organizations that address the global clean water crisis in the following ways: